Dialogue with the DC
Hello to the fine residents of Hickory Hills. Spring is right around the corner. You will see more children playing and riding bikes in the warmer weather. Please watch your speed.
A common crime in the warmer weather are “confidence scams”. A confidence scam is where a bad guy will pretend to be a city or utility worker. The common type of vehicles used are plain colored SUVs, vans, or pickup trucks with no markings. They will often wear construction type cloths or a florescent construction vest. They will use a lie or ruse to distract a homeowner and gain entry into their house. Examples of distractions are the bad guy will talk the homeowner into checking “the water in the basement” or talk the homeowner into leaving the house to check a lot line or landscaping issue far away from the house. When the homeowner is distracted a second bad guy will enter the house and take jewelry, cash, and other valuables. They often communicate with cell phones or two way radios right in front of
the homeowner, occasionally in a different language.
The best defense against this kind of crime is to not open your door. The bad guys that commit confidence scams are very good talkers and are incredibly persuasive. Once your door is open they will find a way in. If anyone comes to your house requesting access to check a utility or inquiring about a neighboring property don’t open the door and call the police. If anyone unknown comes to your house and you feel uncomfortable you can always call the police. The people that commit confidence scams often target the elderly. So we need to keep an eye on our elderly friends, family and neighbors and make sure they are aware of these types of crimes.
By: Deputy Chief Mark Benaitis
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Safety Suggestions
-Watch over your children’s social media accounts, hazards are everywhere.
-If you must keep valuables in your car, the trunk is a great place.
-Please drive the speed limit and please drive sober.
-Try casing your own home at night and day. Does it look inviting to crime, think you can break in? Fix what isn’t working.
Police Beat
-Lighter week of crime, knock on wood
-Lots of suspicious activity reported this week, keep it up. The paper delivery guy was reported but that’s okay, he likes us.
-Lots of accidents still, a couple traffic arrests, a couple poor driving complaints and one driver that fled from a traffic stop.
-Ordinance Officer Lizzio still keeping things in check with lots of ordinance work being done during this normally slow period.
-A theft from a car occurred while at the gas pumps. Lock those cars!
-Normal amount of disturbances, both domestic and at businesses. A man caused a disturbance at a gas station because the clerk would not give him free stuff. SMH
-There was a fire at a house caused by a wood burning fire place.
-checked on some slumping drivers, burglary alarms and parking issues