Chief Vodicka recognized Officer Scott Sodaro for twenty years of service to the City of Hickory Hills at the July City Council Meeting. During his tenure with the Hickory Hills Police Department Officer Sodaro has had the greatest impact while assigned to the Traffic Enforcement Division. In this assignment, Officer Sodaro took traffic safety to a whole new level by combining programs that emphasized education with enforcement efforts. As a result, the Hickory Hills Police Department received 2 – 3rd Place Awards; 2 – 2nd Place Awards; and, 2 – 1st Place Awards in Traffic Safety from the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Officer Sodaro, along with his robotic K-9 partner Trustee, are also widely acclaimed for their community relations initiatives. Over the years, they have been a fixture at school events, park district events, and community events. They have even been requested to assist other police agencies with safety events and programs.